Ground and borehole TDEM surveys
More power for deeper geophysical exploration. Several years ago, Abitibi Geophysics introduced the InfiniTEM loop system, which is optimized for coupling with deep, sub vertical conductors and exploring under conductive cover. TDEM technologies and the InfiniTEM loop configuration, have successfully identified many targets later confirmed by drilling, and the InfiniTEM system’s performance is recognized worldwide.
InfiniTEM XL is a revolution in Ground TDEM and Borehole TDEM geophysical surveys. InfiniTEM loop system optimizes Time Domain Electromagnetics surveys for a deeper lateral range of geophysical exploration.
Significant enhancements have recently been made to the InfiniTEM system’s power and range. The new system, named InfiniTEM XL, achieves four times the dipole moment of the traditional InfiniTEM system. This significant increase in dipole moment yields an increased depth of exploration. The InfiniTEM XL configuration may be used for surface or borehole surveys.
Four times the dipole moment for an increased in depth of exploration.
Greater lateral range, allows increased line spacing when searching in large and/or deep bodies.
Opportunity for rapid reconnaissance at wider line and station spacing.
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