Ground, borehole, and drone magnetic surveys
Ground, borehole, and drone surveys are used for direct detection of iron-rich minerals or for mapping geological units with variable susceptibilities.
Applications in mineral exploration:
Iron ore prospecting.
Iron formations with associated mineralization: IOCG.
Chromite and manganese prospecting.
Sulphide occurrences associated with magnetite and/or pyrrhotite.
Kimberlites, asbestos & placer deposits.
Geological mapping of lithology.
Structural mapping (faults, fractures, shear zones, folds, etc.).
Structurally-hosted deposits (U-conglomerates, stratiform Pb-Zn).
Depth to bedrock to determine thickness of sedimentary section, overburden, etc.
Inexpensive equipment and straight forward survey procedures.
High resolution and cost-effective for detail or reconnaissance surveys.
Useful complementary data enhances interpretation of other geophysical surveys.
Highly sophisticated processing and interpretation tools.
Weak and ambiguous responses at low latitudes.
Technical specs:
The total field can be measured in continuous mode (every second) or at each station.
A magnetometer with integrated GPS simultaneously records the exact position and the total field by foot, boat or all-terrain vehicle.
Measurement of the total field (Hx, Hy, Hz).
Can be combined with other sensors.
Color cards for contours and profiles.
Total field vertical gradient.
Second derivative derived from tilt.
Analytical signal.
Innovation: AeroVision Drone MAG Surveys (Airborne Geophysics)